Russian Appeal Court confirms first instance verdict in Togliatti Azot case without hearing key witnesses and defendants – Ameropa to further appeal to the Cassation Court
The appeal of the first instance verdict in the case of Togliatti Azot to the Samara Regional Court did not bring any relief to the defendants. The outcome was as predetermined as in the first instance, and the second instance confirmed the first instance verdict. None of the violations of the first instance court procedure were addressed, key witnesses and defendants were not heard and no evidence was examined by the appeal court.
The treatment of this case by the Russian law enforcement authorities and courts falls short of even the most minimal standards of law, as evidenced by verdicts and decisions of the U.K. Westminster Magistrate Court, the Irish High Court, the Control Commission of Interpol, and the Swiss, German and US American authorities in charge of Mutual Legal Assistance in the same matter.
The verdict is not enforceable in Switzerland. Nevertheless, in order to defend its rights, Ameropa will appeal against it at the next instance Cassation Court.
For further details, please see our Press Release of July 8th, 2019.